Terms & Conditions.

Date of Last Revision: March, 7, 2023

3P Prime LLC DBA 3Pprime.com

The Company is 3P Prime LLC, located in the State of New York, the United States of America at the address: 680 Sharrotts, Unit 3 Staten Island 10309.

User agreement is this User agreement.

Site is the website https://www.3pprime.com/, owned by the Company.

Manager is an employee of the Company who maintains direct contact with the Customer, transfers to him and receives from him the necessary data and documents.

Customer is an individual or legal entity that uses the Site, has accepted the terms of the User agreement, the Conditions for storing goods at the warehouse and uses the Company’s Services, the scope of which is determined by this User agreement.

Buyer is an individual or legal entity that buys any goods from the Customer.

Services are services that are defined by the User agreement and are provided by the Company, its employees and / or contractors.

Conditions for storing goods at the warehouse are the conditions according to which the Customer’s goods are stored at the warehouse of the Company and which are available on the Site at the link:


Amazon is a website https://amazon.com.

Marketplaces of the USA are the Websites that handle selling on the Internet on the territory of the United States of America.

Transport carriers are companies that provide freight forwarding and / or courier services on the territory of the United States and / or in other countries, for example, USPS, Fedex, UPS, DHL and others.

HS Code is the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System code that is used to classify goods.

Forward parcels is acceptance by the Company of the Customer’s goods and its immediate shipment to the Buyers.

Google Sheets is a website https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets, which is a Google LLC service that allows you to create editable online spreadsheets.

Goods Buyback Procedure is an addendum to the User agreement, which regulates the procedure for the provision of the Goods Buyback Service on Amazon and other Marketplaces of the USA and is available on the Website at the link: https://www.3pprime.com/


1.1 The Company provides the following Services:

1.1.1 Acceptance, verification, packaging, additional packaging, storage of goods ordered by the Customer.

1.1.2 Sending goods to Amazon and other Marketplaces of the USA.

1.1.3. Sending goods to the Buyer in the USA and in other countries.

1.1.4. Sending forward parcels within the USA and other countries.

1.2. Tariffs for the Services are available on the Website at the link: https://www.3pprime.com/3pl-services

1.3. The provision of the Goods Buyback Service on Amazon and other Marketplaces of the USA is governed by the Goods Buyback Procedure.

1.4. The User agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Site, the Customer thereby gives his acceptance and joins the User Agreement and the Conditions of storage of goods at the warehouse.

1.5. Full and unconditional acceptance of the User agreement and the Conditions for storing goods at the warehouse is the registration by the Customer on the Site and / or the provision by the Customer of any amount of his personal data to the Company, both using the Site and other Internet resources.

1.6. The Company has the right at any time without prior notice to the Customer to partially or completely change the provisions of the User agreement. Changes become effective from the moment they are posted on the Site.


2.1. The Customer undertakes to thoughtfully and fully familiarize himself with the User agreement and the Conditions for storing goods at the warehouse. In case of disagreement with the User agreement, the Conditions of storage of goods at the warehouse or their individual provisions, the Customer undertakes to immediately stop using the Site.

2.2. In case of acceptance of the User agreement and the Conditions for storing goods at the warehouse, the Customer undertakes to register on the Site.

2.3. When registering on the Site, the Customer undertakes to fully provide the Company with true data requested in the registration form of the Site.

2.4. To accept the Goods, the Customer undertakes to fully indicate all the requested true data for the goods to be added in the online spreadsheet created by the Company in Google Sheets and / or another accounting program, to which the Customer receives access after registering on the Site.

2.5. The Customer undertakes to inform the Company what type of repackaging he wishes to receive.

2.6. In the event that the Customer conducts trade on Amazon, he undertakes to provide the Company with information about which shipment was created for sending or provide the Company with the necessary data to access the Customer’s Amazon account for the shipment to be created by the Company’s employees.

2.7. The Customer undertakes to fully reimburse the Company for all expenses associated with the payment by the Company of customs and / or other duties for the Customer’s goods.

2.8. The Customer undertakes not to take any actions that may be considered as a violation of legislation of the USA or standards of international law, in particular in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or allied rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site.

2.9. The use of materials from the Site without written consent of the Company is prohibited.

2.10. Comments, messages and other records of the Customer on the Site must not contradict the requirements of legislation of the USA, standards of international law, as well as generally accepted standards of morality and ethics.

2.11. The Customer undertakes not to use the Services for the sale, transfer, storage, transportation, etc. of goods, the turnover of which is limited or illegal on the territory of the United States and / or countries, regions or states where or from where the goods are to be delivered.


3.1. To accept and store the goods in accordance with the Conditions of storage of goods at the warehouse.

3.2. As soon as possible, inform the Customer about the number of accepted goods through an online spreadsheet created by the Company in Google Sheets or another program, which will be notified to the Customer in advance.

3.3. To inform the Customer about reject, shortage, re-grading or other identified defects and inconsistencies, in case of such detection.

3.4. To pack the goods according to the Customer’s request.

3.5. To send the goods according to the recipient’s details provided by the Customer, after full payment for the Company’s services by the Customer.

3.6. At the request of the Customer, provide him with access to the program in which the Customer’s payments are accounted.

3.7. Do not transfer information about the goods and personal data of the Customer to third parties, except as otherwise provided by the User agreement and / or legislation of the USA.


4.1. HS codes can be defined by both the Customer and the Company.

4.2. Customer understands that in some rare cases, customs authorities in the USA or other countries of destination may determine that the selected HS code is not applicable and require its change. In this case, after changing the HS code, the duty rate may change.

4.3. It is Customer responsibility to pay any duties and / or taxes associated with the goods received by the Company.


5.1. The Company has the right to restrict the Customer’s access to the Site if the Customer violates the provisions of Item 2 of the User agreement. Restriction of the Customer’s access to the Site can be made without prior notice to the Customer by, in particular, but not exclusively: blocking the Customer’s personal account, IP-address, etc.

5.2. The materials on the Site, as well as the operation of the Site are provided on an “as is” principle without any guarantees. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the materials and Services posted on the Site.

5.3. The Company has the right at any time without notifying the Customer to make changes to materials, Services, tariffs and other information posted on the Site.

5.4. The Company bears no responsibility for any possible losses of the Customer associated with the use of the Site.

5.5. The Company bears no responsibility for visits, use and consequences of such visits or use of third party websites and resources, links which may be posted on the Site.

5.6. The Company has the right to involve third parties in the performance of the Services without prior notice to the Customer, in particular, freight forwarding and courier companies.

5.7. The Company bears no responsibility for the quality, timeliness, proper provision of services, as well as other actions or omissions of Transport carriers.

5.8. The Company bears no responsibility for the correct application of the HS code, regardless of whether it was determined by the Company or the Customer.

5.9. The Company bears no responsibility for possible losses and additional expenses of the Customer in case of necessity to change the HS code.

5.10. If it is necessary to clarify or obtain information from the Customer, the Manager has the right to contact the Customer using the contact information provided by the Customer.

5.11. The Company bears no responsibility for any advertisements posted on the Site and has no obligations in connection with such advertisements.

5.12. In case of violation by the Customer of Item 2.4 of the User agreement, the Company has the right not to accept the goods. If the Customer’s goods arrived at the Company’s warehouse and within 14 calendar days the Customer did not inform the Company about the arrival of such goods, and the Company’s employees could not identify the goods, then the Company has the right to manage the goods at its own discretion, including dispose of it or turn it into its income.

5.13. In case of violation by the Customer of Item 2.5 of the User agreement, the Company accepts the Customer’s goods, but does not pack it.

5.14. In case of violation by the Customer of Item 2.7 – 2.10 of the User agreement, the Company has the right to stop servicing the Customer without prior notice, suspend the delivery of the Customer’s goods, and also contact the relevant judicial or law enforcement authorities, transferring to them without the Customer’s consent all the data available to the Company about the Customer and his activities.


6.1. The Customer, using the Site and / or providing his personal data to the Company and / or using the Services, gives his full and unconditional consent to the collection and processing of his personal data by the Company and confirms that by providing such consent, he acts of his own free will, without coercion and in his own interests. The consent applies to the following information: surname, name, patronymic, e-mail address, telephone number, place of registration and residence, passport data, individual taxpayer identification number and other data of the Customer, as well as any other personal data provided by the Client, cookies, IP addresses, parameters and settings of Internet browsers, information about the geographical location and devices of the Customer. Consent to the collection and processing of personal data is provided by the Customer in order to use the Site, to perform any actions with personal data, in particular, but not exclusively: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, adaptation, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including by sale or transfer), cross-border transfer, depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as performing any other actions with personal data in accordance with legislation of the USA. This provision is valid without time limit.

6.2. The Customer gives unconditional consent to the use and transfer by the Company of all the necessary personal data of the Customer to freight forwarding and courier companies, Marketplaces of the USA, Amazon, any banks and / or financial institutions and third parties (without limitation) at the discretion of the Company. This provision is valid without time limit.

6.3. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Company in the following ways: processing of personal data using automation tools. When processing personal data, the Company is not limited in the use of methods for their processing.

6.4. The owner of the personal data provided by the Customer and the personal data base is the Company.

6.5. The Customer’s consent to collect, process and use personal data is valid without time limit. The Customer confirms that he knows and understands the scope of the Company’s rights as a subject of personal data.

6.6. The Company accepts all adequate ways to protect the personal data of the Customer and does not transfer them to third parties without objective necessity.


7.1. The User agreement becomes effective from the moment it is posted on the Site.

7.2. The term of the User agreement is unlimited.

7.3. The Company or the Customer has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the User agreement without any negative consequences, subject to prior written notification to the other party at least 30 calendar days prior to such withdrawal and full payment of all unpaid invoices and indebtednesses.

7.4. The declaration by the court of any provision of the User agreement invalid or that is not subject to fulfillment, does not indicate the invalidity of other provisions of the User agreement.

7.5. If the User agreement is translated into other languages, the User agreement in Russian has the supreme legal force.

7.6. Any disputes are resolved through negotiations between the Company and the Customer. If the corresponding dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, then it is resolved in court under the legislation of the state of New York, USA and in the courts of New York, USA.

You may contact us as follows: 3pprimellc@gmail.com